New ‘Middle Class” in Germany

The text:


Third World invaders pretending to be refugees in Germany get more money in welfare and benefits than an average German working family earns.

Official figures show that the average monthly take home wage for a German family is €2,147, while an invader family gets payments and benefits to the value of €2,583 per month.


When an invader pretending to be a refugee first sets foot in Germany, they get immediate cash handouts. In the so-called “initial reception facility,” an adult single refugee receives a cash payment of €143 per month to cover personal needs—this is called “pocket money” in the unofficial parlance.

Couples get €129 each, that is, €258 euros “pocket money” per month. In addition, for every child up the age of six years, the invaders get an additional €84 “pocket money” per month.

For each additional child between the ages of 6 and 13 years, they get an additional €92 “pocket money” per month, and for each child between the ages of 14 and 17, they get an additional €85 per month.

In addition, all their accommodation and food expenses are covered, and they get immediate and free healthcare, for which Germans have to pay.

Once the invaders are no longer in the “reception facilities,” that is, they have been placed in outside accommodation, each adult single “refugee” gets €216 per month. Couples get €194 per month each, that is, €388 per month.

In addition, for every child up to the age of six years, they get an additional €133 per month. For children between the ages of six and 13 years, they get an additional €157 per month. For each child between the ages of 14 and 17, they will receive an additional €198 per month…


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